Friday, April 19, 2024

George Michael gets his second solo No.1 with “A Different Corner” in 1986

The song was released while the singer was still a member of Wham!

George Michael gets his second solo No.1 with “A Different Corner” in 1986

Released in April 1986 when George Michael was still a member of Wham!, “A Different Corner” was written by George Michael and it’s the singer’s second solo single to be released as well as his second solo number one after the 1984 “Careless Whisper”. The single peaked to No.1 on April 19, 1986, on the UK charts and was a worldwide success. With “A Different Corner”, George Michael became the first solo act in the history of the UK chart to reach number one with his first two releases. The song was also released on Wham! the final album “The Final”, a best-of compilation featuring also new songs from the duo. “A Different Corner” reached number 7 on the US Billboard Hot 100, thus becoming the first single credited solely to Michael to become an American top-ten hit which was enough to make American executives at Epic Records confident that Michael would be viable as a solo artist and helped get the gears in motion for his 1987 solo album debut “Faith” A note on the back of the sleeve proclaims, “This record is dedicated to a memory.” Chris Martin from Coldplay performed “A Different Corner” as a tribute to George Michael during the 2017 Brit Awards.

Look back at the 1986 music video for “A Different Corner” by George Michael

Watch more George Michael related videos


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