Friday, April 19, 2024

1980’s child actor Danny Pintauro from “Who’s The Boss” and “Cujo” turns 48 today

He was one of the most familiar faces on TV during the 1980’s

1980’s child actor Danny Pintauro from “Who’s The Boss” and “Cujo” turns 48 today

Danny Pintauro was born on January 6, 1976, in Milltown, New Jersey as Daniel John Pintauro. The actor is best known for his role as Jonathan Bower on the popular American sitcom “Who’s the Boss?” and his role in the 1983 film “Cujo” as Tad Trenton. Pintauro first appeared on the television soap opera “As the World Turns” as the original Paul Ryan from 1982 – 1985. In 1994 he took time off from professional acting and attended Middlesex County College in Edison, New Jersey, and later Stanford University to study English and theater; he graduated in 1998. Pintauro came out as gay in 1997 in an interview with the National Enquirer tabloid and revealed in an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2015 that he has been HIV positive since 2003. He also disclosed that he had previously been addicted to methamphetamine. In April 2013 he was engaged to his boyfriend, Wil Tabares, and they married in April 2014.

By Ken Warren, 2018

Watch a 2015 TV interview with Danny Pintauro

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