Friday, April 19, 2024

Kenny Loggins hits No.1 on the US Hot 100 with “Footloose” in 1984

A truly 1980’s Pop music classic that became Loggin’s most memorable song

Kenny Loggins hits No.1 on the US Hot 100 with “Footloose” in 1984

“Footloose” was co-written and recorded by Kenny Loggins who released the song in January 1984 as the theme song for the hit movie “Footloose” featuring Kevin Bacon. Just like the movie, “Footloose” became Kenny Loggin’s biggest hit during his career, the song topped the charts worldwide and peaked to No.1 on the U.S Hot 100 on March 31, 1984. “Footloose” was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song at the 1985 ceremony, losing to Stevie Wonder’s “I Just Called to Say I Love You” from “The Woman in Red”.

Look back at the 1984 music video for “Footlose” by Kenny Loggins

Watch more 1980’s related videos


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