Friday, April 19, 2024

Ringo Starr is 83 today and we look back at the 11 Beatles songs where he sung lead

The Beatle Ringo always had one song reserved for him on every album

Ringo Starr is 83 today and we look back at the 11 Beatles songs where he sung lead

Sir Richard Starkey, The Beatle Ringo was born on July 7, 1940 in Liverpool, England. Though he was not a founding member of the band, neither their first drummer, Ringo Starr was the perfect fit within the band. Perhaps the most neutral of all the members, Starr always kept good relations with all his band members, long after The Beatles were over. though initially his drum skills were considered somehow basic by some, over the years, the fact is that the uniqueness and complexity of his drumming with The Beatles have come to be understood and appreciated. But like all The Beatles, Ringo also did a little bit of lead vocals in every album, and there was always at least one song reserved for him, and some became big Beatles hits and classics. Today we look back at all the 11 songs of The Beatles where Ringo Starr sung lead vocals, ordered by popularity and endurance throughout the years.

11 – “Matchbox”, 1964

10 – “Honey Don’t”, 1964

09 – “Good Night”, 1968

08 – “Boys”, 1963

07 – “I Wanna Be Your Man”, 1963

06 – “Act Naturally”, 1965

05 – “Don’t Pass Me By”, 1968

04 – “What Goes On”, 1965

03 – “Octopus’s Garden”, 1969

02 – “Yellow Submarine”, 1966

01 – “With a Little Help From My Friends”, 1967 (Ringo Live At The Greek, 2010)

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