Thursday, April 18, 2024

Awarded and influential actor Dustin Hoffman turns 86: 7 of his best movies

Known for his portrayals of emotionally vulnerable characters and also antiheroes, the actor was born on August 8, 1937

Awarded and influential actor Dustin Hoffman turns 86: 7 of his best movies

Known for his portrayals of emotionally vulnerable characters and also antiheroes, the awarded and acclaimed actor Dustin Hoffman was born in Los Angeles, California on August 8, 1937. During the 1960’s he started appeared in several movies and his breakthrough role, which is still considered one of his finest and most memorable, was in the 1967 “The Graduate”, where he got his first Academy Award nomination. In 1969 he plays another defining role in his career alongside Jon Voight in the acclaimed cult movie “Midnight Cowboy”. He solidifies his status as one of the best actors in Hollywood during the 1970’s by starring in films such as “Marathon Man”, “All the President’s Men”, and the 1979 “Kramer vs Kramer” that earned him his first Academy Award for Best Actor. By the end of the decade, Hoffman was one of the most famous persons in the planet. The 1980’s brought him even more success, playing memorable characters in movies like “Tootsie” and the 1987 “Rain Man”, that earned him his second Academy Award for Best Actor. Overall he was nominated seven times to the Best Actor category. He has also been awarded with three Drama Desk Awards and, two Emmy Awards. Here’s 7 of his very best movies today that he turns 86.

7 – “All President’s Men”, 1976

6 – “The Graduate”, 1967

5 – “Papillon”, 1973

4 – “Tootsie”, 1982

3 – “Kramer vs. Kramer”, 1979

2 – “Midnight Cowboy”, 1969

“Rain Man”, 1987

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