Friday, April 19, 2024

Remembering Folk-Rock singer-songwriter Jim Croce 

Croce died on this day in 1973

Remembering Folk-Rock singer-songwriter Jim Croce

Jim Croce was born James Joseph Croce on January 10th, 1943 in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. A singer-songwriter, Croce came to prominence during the late 60’s with his Folk-Rock songs. Between 1966 and 1973, he released five studio albums and singles. His songs “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown” and “Time in a Bottle” reached No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart. Croce died unexpectedly from a plane crash on September 20th, 1973, leaving behind a successful career and a promising future in music. His legacy can be heard on Croce’s son Adrian James (born September 28th, 1971) is himself a singer-songwriter, musician, and pianist.

Watch Jim Croce video footage along to one of his most memorable songs “Time In A Bottle” from 1972

Watch more 1970’s related videos


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