Comedian Billy Crystal turns 76 today

Billy Crystal came to fame on the sitcom Soap

Comedian Billy Crystal turns 76 today

Award-winning actor and comic Billy Crystal was born William Edward Crystal on March 14, 1948, in Long Beach, New York. Comedian Billy Crystal made his first appearance on “The Tonight Show” in 1975. As an actor, his first TV role was on the sitcom “Soap”. His career took off following a year on “Saturday Night Live” (1984), with hit films “When Harry Met Sally” (1989) and “City Slickers” (1991). Crystal won five Emmy Awards for hosting the Oscars and received the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor in 2007. Crystal and his wife Janice married in June 1970, they have two daughters, actress Jennifer and producer Lindsay, and are grandparents. They reside in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Pacific Palisades, California.

By Ken Warren, 2018

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