Tuesday, April 16, 2024
BirthdaysSpotlightThe 1970'sTV

“CHiPs” star Erik Estrada turns 75 today

Erik Estrada was one of the most popular television stars of the late 70s and early 80s.

“CHiPs” star Erik Estrada turns 75 today

Actor and reality television star Erik Estrada was born on March 16, 1949, in New York, New York. Estrada had his first big break in 1970 film “The Cross and the Switchblade”. He went on to play his first cop role in “The New Centurions” in 1972. Other roles followed in such films as “Airport 1975”. In 1977, Estrada first appeared as Ponch on the police show, “CHiPs”. The series followed the lives of two motorcycle police officers of the California Highway Patrol (CHP). It ran for 139 episodes over six seasons, plus one reunion TV movie in October 1998. In 1983 the show was canceled, but Estrada continued to act on television and in films. In recent years, he has been a popular figure on reality TV and has been sworn in as a real police officer in Idaho. Married three times, Estrada has two sons, Anthony Erik and Brandon Michael-Paul, from his second marriage to Peggy Rowe. He and third wife Nanette Mirkovich have been married since 1997 and have one child together, a daughter named Francesca.

By Ken Warren, 2018

Watch the opening credits for the hit TV series “CHiPs” starring Erik Estrada

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