Friday, April 19, 2024

Actress Vera Farmiga turns 50

Over the last two decades she has played memorable roles on contemporary horror films and series including “The Conjuring” and “Bates Motel”

Actress Vera Farmiga turns 50

She’s one of the most popular actresses in movies and TV for over the last two decades, having landed in several popular roles that already earned her an Academy Award nomination. Vera Farmiga was born in Clifton, New Jersey on August 6, 1973 from Ukrainian parents. The actress began her successful acting career on stage in the original Broadway production of “Taking Sides” in 1996. Soon after she made her TV debut in the 1997 Fox fantasy series “Roar”, and her film debut in the 1998 drama-thriller “Return to Paradise”. Her breakthrough role came in the 2000’s, when in 2004 she starred in the drama “Down to the Bone”. In 2009 Farmiga was already started to enjoy a worldwide popularity as an actress, which reflect when she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award, SAG Award, BAFTA Award, and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, for her role in the 2009 comedy-drama “Up in the Air”. During the early 2010’s Farmiga established herself as one of the most popular contemporary actresses, when she appeared in “The Conjuring” movie series and it’s spinoff’s, all blockbusters, playing the real-life role of the paranormal investigator Lorraine Warren. In 2014 she starred as Norma Bates on the TV series adaptation of the movie “Psycho”, “Bates Motel”. The successful show lasted four seasons and for it, she earned a Primetime Emmy Award nomination. By appearing in so many successful horror/mystery movies over the last two decades, such as “Joshua”, “Orphan” and more recently the TV mini-series “When They See Us”, have dubbed Farmiga as a contemporary scream queen. Vera’s sister is the also actress Taissa Farmiga, famous for her roles in the “American Horror Story” TV series. Today Farmiga turns 50.

Watch Vera Farmiga in character as Lorraine Warren in “The Conjuring 2”

Watch Vera Farmiga in character as Norma Bates in the TV series “Bates Motel”

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