Thursday, April 18, 2024

Remembering actor Harry Anderson, the ‘Night Court’ Star

He presided over the NBC comedy “Night Court” for nine seasons

Remembering actor Harry Anderson, the ‘Night Court’ Star

Born on October 14, 1952 in Newport, Rhode Island,  the actor Harry Anderson was a three-time Emmy nominee for his role as Judge Harry Stone in ‘Night Court.’ He started his career by appearing in “Saturday Night Live” on several episodes and in the series “Cheers”. He also appeared on the series “Tales From The Crypt” and he starred in 1990’s “Stephen King’s It” tv Miniseries playing the role of Richie Tozier.  Harry Anderson was found dead in his Asheville North Carolina home in 2018 aged 65. Anderson is survived by two children from his first marriage to Leslie Pollack, and by his current wife Elizabeth Morgan.

By Ken Warren, 2018

Watch Harry Anderson on ‘Night Court’s’ success (1989)

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