Match The Rolling Stones lyric!

Can you guess which Stones songs contain these verses?

Match The Rolling Stones lyric!

"I see people turn their heads and quickly look away Like a newborn baby, it just happens everyday"

Correct! Wrong!

"I was raised by a toothless, bearded hag, I was schooled with a strap right across my back"

Correct! Wrong!

"Cooking fresh food for a husband's just a drag So she buys an instant cake and she burns her frozen steak"

Correct! Wrong!

"Well I told you once and I told you twice But ya never listen to my advice You don't try very hard to please me"

Correct! Wrong!

"Did you ever wake up to find A day that broke up your mind Destroyed your notion of circular time"

Correct! Wrong!

"You think you're one of a special breed You think that you're his pet Pekinese I'll be your savior, steadfast and true"

Correct! Wrong!

"I had a dream last night That I was piloting a plane And all the passengers were drunk and insane"

Correct! Wrong!

"I rode a tank Held a general's rank When the blitzkrieg raged And the bodies stank"

Correct! Wrong!

"Then in flies a guy who's all dressed up - like a Union Jack And says, I've won five pounds if I have his - kind of detergent pack"

Correct! Wrong!

"And there will always be a space in my parking lot When you need a little coke and sympathy"

Correct! Wrong!

"Men are armed shout who goes there We have journeyed far from here Armed with bibles make us swear"

Correct! Wrong!

"I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy And man, did he look pretty ill We decided that we would have a soda "

Correct! Wrong!

Guess The Rolling Stones Lyric
You Can't Always Get What You Want!

But you've tried!

You connect with The Rolling Stones but you prefer to dance to it rather than sing to it.
You Got the Silver!

Pretty close to be a Stones lyrics expert. Their lyrics are as iconic as themselves we agree with you!
Like A Rolling Stone!

Congratulations, you just like a Rolling Stone and you maybe even know their lyrics better than themselves!

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