Guess the lyrics: Madonna 80’s Songs

How well do you know Madonna 80’s lyrics?

Guess the lyrics: Madonna 80’s Songs

How well do you know Madonna’s 1980’s lyrics? Take the quiz to find out if you’re a lucky star! 

"But I know what I'm saying"

Correct! Wrong!

"I've been watching you, I see you sitting there by yourself"

Correct! Wrong!

" What happens when you're not in bed"

Correct! Wrong!

"Make me strong, yeah you make me bold"

Correct! Wrong!

"I want more than just romance"

Correct! Wrong!

"But they can't see the light, that's right"

Correct! Wrong!

"Nothing can stop me from trying, you've got to"

Correct! Wrong!

"Now I know you're mine, now I know you're mine"

Correct! Wrong!

"Just like I'd never gone, I knew the song"

Correct! Wrong!

"Cause you shine on me wherever you are"

Correct! Wrong!

Guess The Lyrics: Madonna 80's Songs
Like A Virgin


True Blue

Lucky Star

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