An unexpected hit by an unexpected singer, “Wand’rin Star” by actor Lee Marvin peaked to No.1 on this day in 1970
The song was part of the soundtrack for the 1969 movie “Paint Your Wagon”
An unexpected hit by an unexpected singer, “Wand’rin Star” by actor Lee Marvin peaked to No.1 on this day in 1970
Originally written by Alan J. Lerner and Frederick Loewe for the stage musical “Paint Your Wagon” in 1951, “Wand’rin Star” met it’s most famous version through the unexpected voice of Lee Marvin in 1969. Not a natural singer, Marvin nevertheless sang all of his songs in the film adaptation of “Paint Your Wagon”, rejecting the idea of miming to another singer’s voice. Despite the film being a box office flop, the soundtrack became a success. The song reached No.1 in the U.K on March 7, 1970, and remains one of Lee Marvin’s most unexpected and loved works.
Watch Lee Marvin performing his famous song “Wand’rin Star” on the 1969 Western Musical “Paint Your Wagon”
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