Thursday, April 18, 2024

Jon Bon Jovi goes No. 1 on Hot 100 with his debut solo single “Blaze Of Glory”

Blaze Of Glory” remains the only No.1 hit and chart topper of Jon Bon Jovi’s solo career

Jon Bon Jovi goes No. 1 on Hot 100 with his debut solo single “Blaze Of Glory”

“Blaze Of Glory” remains the only No.1 hit and chart topper of Jon Bon Jovi’s solo career. The song, that was written for the movie “Young Guns II” became a worldwide hit in 1990, often mistaken by being a Bon Jovi track as it has been included on band’s Greatest Hits compilations. On September 8th 1990, “Blaze Of Glory” hits No. 1 in the competitive Hot 100 charts in the U.S. The song is included in Jon’s debut album “Blaze Of Glory”, the soundtrack for “Young Guns II”

Watch the 1990 video for “Blaze Of Glory”

Watch more 1990’s related videos


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