The Essential 12 Walt Disney Classics

The iconic Walt Disney was born 122 years ago today

The Essential 12 Walt Disney Classics

Born Walter Elias Disney in Chicago on December 5, 1901, the iconic illustrator, animator and founder of Walt Disney, developed an early interest in drawing from a young age, and by 18 got a job as a commercial illustrator. During the early 1920’s he moved to California with his brother Roy where he set up the first Disney studios, Disney Brothers Studio. Together with Ub Iwerks, Walt developed the character Mickey Mouse in 1928, his first highly popular success that remains to this day one of the most famous animated characters in the planet, earning Disney company millions every year in merchandise and copyright. With the success of Mickey Mouse, Disney studios grew becoming more adventurous and introducing synchronized sound, full-color three-strip Technicolor, feature-length cartoons, which included classics such as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (1937), “Pinocchio” and “Fantasia” both from 1940. With Disney industry at full bloom in a planetary scale, during the 1950’s Walt Disney expanded into the amusement park industry, and in 1955 he opened the famous Disneyland. The industry also expanded into television programs, such as “Walt Disney’s Disneyland” and “The Mickey Mouse Club”. Walt Disney passed away at age 65 on December 15, 1966, but his name lives on from generation to generation and today, Disney company maintains high standards in its production of popular entertainment, and also the amusement parks have grown in size and number to attract visitors in several countries throughout the years. Check this 12 absolute Disney classics to celebrate the birthday of the, sometimes controversial, but also important figure in the history of animation and cultural history.

12 – Alice In Wonderland, 1951 (full movie)

11 – Peter Pan, 1953 (split into segments)

10 – One Hundred and One Dalmatians, 1961

9 – The Aristocats, 1970

8 – Sleeping Beauty, 1959

7 – Cinderella, 1950 (full movie)

6 – Lady and the Tramp, 1955

5 – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937

4 – Dumbo, 1941 (full movie)

3 – Pinocchio, 1940

2 – Bambi, 1942

1 – Fantasia, 1940 (full movie)

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