10 of the best John Malkovich movies

The very talented and passionate actor turns 70

10 of the best John Malkovich movies

John Malkovich is an actor of an unique talent, and for decades he has gifted us with his acting diversity, playing villains on blockbusters or historical character or even grabbing roles in obscure European films. Born in Christopher, Illinois on December 9th, 1953, Malkovich has already given prove that acting is not only a job for him, it his a passion, and to celebrate that passion here’s 10 of the best John Malkovich films on the day he turns 70.

10 – A Talking Picture, 2003

9 – Shadow of the Vampire, 2000

8 – Empire of the Sun, 1987

7 – Con Air, 1997

6 – Being John Malkovich (1999)

5 – Of Mice and Men (1992)

4 – In the Line of Fire, 1993

3 – Dangerous Liaisons, 1988

2 – Ripley’s Game, 2002

1 – Death of a Salesman, 1985

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